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The Covenant for the Face To Face Accountability and Recreation Fellowship Original by Gary J. Oliver, Ph.D. Handed out at the 2000 Woodmen Valley Chapel Men`s Retreat...
August 20, 2002. Although this is still under construction and more photos are planned to be added (so come back to see the finished product), you can click on the...
The following pictures were taken on March 30th, 2001 in Colorado Springs. These are pictures of the Northern lights (auroras). Since this was my very first attempt...
The following pictures were taken on November 5th, 2001 in Colorado Springs. These are pictures of the Northern lights (auroras). This is my second attempt at taking...
These photos were taken on November 7, 2004 between 9:30pm and 11pm. There were very high thin clouds, but the greens and reds could still be seen. Note: The orange...
Bonnie V1.01 Benchmark results TD.header {text align: center; backgroundcolor: `#CCFFFF` } TD.rowheader {text align: center; backgroundcolor: `#CCCFFF` } TD.size...
References to: `` in NIV Reference(link to Bible Gateway) Verse 4:44 Genesis 4:44 4:44 Exodus 4:44 4:44 Leviticus 4:44 4:44 Numbers...
Christian links recommended by me. This is NOT complete and will be added to in the future. On line Bible News Papers Post...
NOTE: UNDER CONSTRUCTION Gauge Plugin This plugin creates PNG graphic files displaying gauge information, useful to build dashboards. Two types of gauges are currently...
The following is from a Springs Gazette newspaper article May 1, 2000 God is my CEO by Ovetta Sampson (719 636 0374 or ovetta #64;gazette NOSPAM .com) Jay Janner...
Verbs Voice Mood Tense Infinitive Participle Nouns Cases The information on this and the following pages was compiled...
Nominative Vocative Genitive Dative Accusative
The accusative is used to limit the action of a verb as to extent, direction, or goal. `The accusative measures an idea as to its content, scope, direction` (Robertson...
The true dative is used to designate the person more remotely concerned. It is the case of personal interest , pointing out the person to or for whom something...
In the eight case system, the genitive defines, describes, qualifies, restricts, limits. In this respect it is similar to an adjective, but is more emphatic. Under...
The nominative is the case of specific designation. The Greeks referred to it as the `naming case,` for it often names the main topic of the sentence. The main topic...
The vocative is the case used for addressing someone or, on occasion, for uttering exclamations. A substantive in the vocative is used in direct address to designate...
The infinitive is an indeclinable verbal noun. As such it participates in some of the features of the verb and some of the noun. Like a verb , the infinitive has...
In general, mood is the feature of the verb that presents the verbal action or state with reference to its actuality or potentiality. Voice indicates how the subject...
The imperative mood is the mood of intention. It is the mood furthest removed from certainty. Ontologically, as one of the potential or oblique moods, the imperative...
The indicative mood is, in general, the mood of assertion, or presentation of certainty. It is not correct to say that it is the mood of certainty or reality. This...
There are less than 70 optatives in the entire NT. In general, it can be said that the optative is the mood used when a speaker wishes to portray an action as possible...
The subjunctive is the most common of the oblique moods in the N.T. In general, the subjunctive can be said to represent the verbal action (or state) as uncertain...
The participle is a declinable verbal adjective. It derives from its verbal nature tense and voice; from its adjectival nature, gender, number and case. Like the...
In general, tense in Greek involves two elements: aspect (kind of action, sometimes call Aktionsart, though a difference does need to be made between the two ) and...
The aorist tense `presents an occurence in summary, viewed as a whole from the outside, without regard for the internal make up of the occurrence` (Fanning, 97). It...
The following four categories of the present tense include those that are used to indicate an event or occurence taking place over a long interval, or an extended...
With reference to aspect, the future seems to offer an external portrayal, something of a temporal counterpart to the aorist indicative. The external portrayal `presents...
Like the present tense, the imperfect tense displays an internal aspect. That is, it portrays the action from within the event, without regard for beginning or end...
The perfect and pluperfect tenses are indentical in aspect though different in time. Thus both speak of an event accomplished in the past (in the indicative mood)...
A. Narrow Band Presents The action is portrayed as being in progress, or as occurring. In the indicative mood, it is portrayed as occurring in the present time (`right...
Voice is the property of the verb that indicates how the subject is related to the action (or state) expressed by the verb. In general, the voice of the verb may indicate...
In general it can be said that in the active voice the subject performs, produces, or experiences the action or exists in the state expressed by the verb. Simple...
Defining the function of the middle voice is not an easy task because it encompasses a large and amorphous group of nuances. But in general, in the middle voice the...
In general it can be said that in the passive voice the subject is acted upon or receives the action expressed by the verb. No volition nor even necessarily awareness...
Not converted to TWiki yet. To view, go to the following address 1998/wvc/HTML/main.html
Not converted to TWiki yet. To view, go to the following address 2000/wvc/HTML/main.html
Photos from two Israel trips 1 from my 1998 Israel trip 1 from my 2000 Israel trip
Sample of Bible `codes` When you take the meaning of the names of the men from Adam to Noah, you see Jesus: Name Meaning Adam A Man Seth Appointed...
Various Lightning Pictures Copyright W. Tait Cyrus All of the lightning photographs...
This page contains Tait`s details and description of attepting to get the Matrox G200 TV up and running under Linux in a PVR mode. Refereneces G200 specific pages... out mga fb.html VB CK 070500050f09030508050c0e G 22 L ENU I 9982
Mom, Here are several slides (which you loaned me at Christmas, or was it Thanksgiving) which were turning red. Using some trial software, I`ve adjusted the colors...
I`ve ripped many of my music CD`s so I can have constant music playing at home. The question then is what compression codec to use. Initially I used MP3 but am leaning... services.htm http://store.mam a archive gold.html
I`m sorry, but the large version of this photo is no longer available. If you really need access to the large version of this photo, please contact me at photos...
Description of work performed for Peter Thoeny and Wind River Date Start Time Stop Time TotalTime Work description October 22, 2002 various...
GaugePlugin Specification (rough) The GaugePlugin creates PNG graphic files displaying gauge information. Inputs variables Required Description...
Christian This page contains various items that I consider important in my walk with Jesus Christ. How I became a Christian is detailed in my testimony. I also share...
My Christian Testimony I was brought up going to church until around age 9. After that I considered myself to be an atheist, mostly because of my interest in engineering...
Why did I become a Christian? If you`ve looked at My Christian Testimony you know how I became a Christian. This page shows why I became a Christian. As an engineer...
The page contains or points to various miscellaneous stuff; projects Tait has worked on or other bits of information he has found interesting and or useful. Still...
Physical HW to virtual HW use VMWare convert by installing server on the old HW and the client on the VMServer and then copying the drive How to set up a flat...
Photographs All photos are copyright W. Tait Cyrus 1 8 photos of lightning 1 Photos from my 1998 Israel trip 1 Photos from my 2000 Israel trip 1 4 photos...
Professional I am a computer engineer with experience with proven abilities in a broad range of skills ranging from software design to hardware design, web design...
W. Tait Cyrus 1410 Owl Ridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 ...
Job contacts Date Person How contacted email comments 2002/06/03 Ronnie Wilson phone rwilson #64;auroraministries NOSPAM .org He called...
This is a table that has several columns all of which should have different colors . TWikiWork MomPhotoDemo
I own a PalmOS Tungsten T5. I attempted to get a 4 GB SD card to work in my T5. I tried numerous solutions posted on the Internet but non worked, all locked...
TWiki`s Tait web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Personal \ I am old, single and have never been married. I have lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado for the past (since November 1990). I was born and raised...
Welcome to Tait`s TWiki`ized home page. It is VERY much still under construction. To go to Tait`s old web page, go to:
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Number of topics: 76

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