The page contains or points to various miscellaneous stuff; projects Tait has worked on or other bits of information he has found interesting and or useful.
Still under construction so some of the links are not yet active.
- LastDays
My (Tait's) notes on last days stuff
- TWiki
The web site you are now looking at is using TWiki to produce the various web pages. I've used TWiki for about 25 years and have written 3 plugins for TWiki including DatabasePlugin , ChartPlugin , and GaugePlugin , as well as the skin plugin FloatingMenuSkin .
- e107
I've also done some work with e107. It is different than TWiki in that e107 is written in PHP while TWiki is written in Perl. TWiki is a very general use tool intended for just about anyone to update pages (meaning its security model is not all that strong). e107 is a bit more specific (and in some cases more user friendly) and has a stronger security model. TWiki uses flat files for all content while e107 uses MySQL . Depending on the web needs, I've used TWiki in some situations and e107 in other situations.
- PalmOS stuff
- Space Weather related stuff
These are the pages I consult to determine if there is a chance of seeing auroras here in Colorado Springs. Since Colorado Springs is so far South, the readings have to be quite high before anything can be seen here. Check out my photos page to see some of the auroras I captured.
- mp3 vs ogg (audio compression stuff)
- From a Christian technologies list, the following were recommended web hosting sites (Sept 2006):
Other useful web sites: |