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Gauge Plugin

This plugin creates PNG graphic files displaying gauge information, useful to build dashboards.

Two types of gauges are currently available, a target measure bar and a trend icon.

Type of Gauge Name What it Does Example
Target Measure Bar tambar Shows the actual state of a measure in a bar. The bar has two parts, the upper think bar shows the actual value, the lower thin bar shows regions with a relative distribution of bad (red), acceptable (yellow) and good (green) values Actual: 35
Trend Icon trend Shows the up trend, no change and down trend of a measure up trend, no change, down trend

The Target Measure Bar has regions like red, yellow and green. Each region has a start and end boundary, the end boundary of one region is the start of the next. The scale determines the boundaries, e.g. a scale of 0, 10, 20, 40 has a red region with range 0...10, a yellow one with range 10...20 and a green one with range 20...40. Each region has two colors, a dark color used for actual values, and a light color for filling out the rest of the gauge with a lighter color.

The %GAUGE{...}% variable gets expanded to an image representing the gauge. Parameters and global settings determine the type of gauge, dimensions, scale and values.

GaugePlugin1 Global Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, for example, %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Creates PNG graphic files displaying gauge information, useful to build dashboards.

  • Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in data/debug.txt. Default: 0
    • Set DEBUG = 0

  • Default gauge used: tambar, trend. Default: tambar
    • Set TYPE = tambar

  • Default dimensions, scale and colors for Target Measure Bar. See details in the syntax rules.
    • Set TAMBAR_WIDTH = 60
    • Set TAMBAR_HEIGHT = 16
    • Set TAMBAR_SCALE = 0, 10, 20, 30
    • Set TAMBAR_COLORS = #FF0000, #800000, #FFFF00, #FFFFCC, #00FF00, #008000

  • Default dimensions for Trend Icon
    • Set TREND_WIDTH = 16
    • Set TREND_HEIGHT = 16

Syntax Rules

The %GAUGE{...}% variable gets expanded to an image representing the gauge.

%GAUGE% Parameter Comment Default
type The type of gauge to be used, tambar or trend Global TYPE setting
name Name to uniquely identify the gauge either in gauge creation (creating and storing the graphics making up the gauge) or gauge referencing (accessing an already created gauge graphics) None; is required
value For tambar: The actual value of the gauge
For trend: Positive = arrow up, 0 = arrow right, negative = arrow down
None. Show "no data" if missing
alt Alternate text for image Value of value parameter
width Defines the width of the gauge in pixels. Global <type>_WIDTH setting
height Defines the height of the gauge in pixels. Global <type>_HEIGHT setting
scale For tambar: Defines the number and position of the scales. For example a value of "5, 12, 35, 57" denotes that there are three regions on the bar gauge, "5...12", "12...35" and "35...57".
For trend: N/A
Global <type>_SCALE setting
colors For tambar: List of colors, each region has two colors. For trend: N/A Global <type>_COLORS setting


Type of gauge You type You should get... ...if installed
Target Measure Bar %GAUGE{ type="tambar" name="t1" scale="1, 10, 20, 40" value="35" }% Actual: 35 %GAUGE{ type="tambar" name="t1" scale="1, 10, 20, 40" value="35" }%
Trend Icon %GAUGE{ type="trend" name="t2" value="-3" }% down trend %GAUGE{ type="trend" name="t2" value="-3" }%

The "if installed" column shows images instead of variables in case the plugin is installed correctly.


  • A PNG graphics file is created containing the gauge results. The file is placed in %PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/_GaugePlugin_<type>_<name>.png
  • %GAUGE{...}% gets expanded to an <img ... /> image tag.

Error Handling

If the required parameters are not defined, then an error message is returned.

Planned Improvements

  • Hash value to enhance performance:
    • Build hash value (checksum) of each gauge based on initial settings and attributes, and store hash value.
    • Regenerate image only of hash value is different.
    • Since there are so few gauge attributes you could use the actual gauge string (expanded with initial values) as the hash value
    • Idea for hash value file name: _GaugePlugin_<type>_<name>.hash, alternatively generate one hash value file per TWiki topic.

  • Create a AttachmentStorePlugin that does the attachment storage handling; offers an API for plugins to use.

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/GaugePlugin1.txt Plugin topic
    data/TWiki/GaugePlugin1.txt,v Plugin topic repository
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/ Plugin Perl module
  • Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
    • Check above examples if the "if installed" column shows images instead of variables.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: PeterThoeny, TaitCyrus
Plugin Version: 14 May 2002
Change History: 14 May 2002: Initial spec
CPAN Dependencies: GD
Other Dependencies: check dependencies of GD library
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

-- PeterThoeny - 14 May 2002