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bin/view/~jsmith redirected to bin/view/JaneSmith

You can go to a user's topic by ~loginname instead of Main/FirstLast. More specifically, if you open, you are redirected to

If you are logged in TWiki, you can go to your topic merely by ~.

This is especially handy if login names are different from wikinames and shorter.


If UserSubwebs is in effect

  • ~loginname leads to the usrs's subweb
  • You can go to a topic of a user's subweb directly by e.g.

Combination with view URL shortening

If you are shortening view URLs (, you need to modify your URL rewriting rules so that ~ is recognized as a valid first character of a web name.

Then, you can go to your topic merely by

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, UserDocumentationCategory, UserSubwebs