ENDCOLOR -- end colored text
ENDCOLOR is a rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in that topic for a complete list of colors.
- Syntax:
%RED% red text %ENDCOLOR%
- Expands to: red text
- Note:
%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR% . If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR% , e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR% .
- Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
- Related: VarENDBG, VarAQUA, VarBLACK, VarBLUE, VarBROWN, VarGRAY, VarGREEN, VarLIME, VarMAROON, VarNAVY, VarOLIVE, VarORANGE, VarPINK, VarPURPLE, VarRED, VarSILVER, VarTEAL, VarWHITE, VarYELLOW, TWikiPreferences rendering shortcuts, StandardColors