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Preferences settings

TWiki has these levels of preferences settings:

  1. System-level settings: TWikiPreferences
    • Site name, proxy settings, access control, skin
  2. Site-level settings: Main.TWikiPreferences
    • Site admin can overload system level settings
  3. Web-level settings: located in each Web, e.g. WebPreferences topic
    • Web specific access control, navigation links, colors
  4. User-level settings: In each user's profile page, e.g. TWikiGuest topic
    • Settings that are only in effect when this user is logged in, such as LINKTOOLTIPINFO
  5. Topic-level settings: Affecting current topic, for web applications

Preferences can be overridden by the next level down unless locked down by a FINALPREFERENCES setting at a higher level.

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiPreferences, Main.TWikiPreferences

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-- Contributors: TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny